Cardiometabolic Data Library

The most comprehensive real world clincal dataset for cardiometabolic disorders.

Dandelion’s Cardiometabolic Data Library brings together EHR data, clinical notes, images, and waveforms from millions of patient records - all within a single platform.

Generate critical insights across all cardiometabolic diseases, with patient populations on the latest therapies

Dive into deep and complex patient journeys with rich, longitudinal data before and after initial diagnosis

Unlock novel insights with Dandelion’s unique combination of multimodal RWD & Clinical AI

Designed to accelerate every stage of the drug development and commercialization lifecycle

  • Early Clinical

    Assess the effectiveness of existing treatments, identify gaps in care, and inform the development of new therapeutic strategies

  • Clinical Development

    Optimize the pool of eligible patients with precision targeting. Reduce the need for costly protocol revisions, and accelerate the time to clinical trial initiation

  • Post-Approval

    Demonstrate superior product differentiation, and generate evidence of economic and clinical outcomes to support regulatory, commercial and payer strategies

  • Label Expansion

    Identify new therapeutic use cases for existing assets using Dandelion’s unique combination of rich, multimodal data and validated AI algorithms

Featured Research

This first-of-its-kind study used a novel AI algorithm applied to real-world patient data to assess whether GLP-1s may have cardioprotective effects in a “clinically silent” population of more than 40 million patients in the US alone.
Download the research whitepaper to learn more.

Why Dandelion?

The Richest Source of Multimodal Healthcare Data

Access the full range of data modalities - including clinical notes, images and waveforms - for the most complete picture of patient outcomes over time.

Curated for Diversity

Dandelion’s consortium of leading hospital systems from across the US have been hand-picked to ensure representative, diverse patient populations. 

Enriched with AI-powered Clinical Labels

Unlock the Potential of Unstructured Data with Dandelion’s suite of rigorously vetted AI algorithms.

Regulatory-grade & Research-ready

Expedite studies with curated, harmonized, research-ready data sets.

Download the Cardiometabolic Data Library Fact Sheet