Clinical AI Marketplace

Apply validated AI onto rich, multimodal real-world data at scale to accelerate research and generate novel insights

The power of deploying AI on real-world data

As much as 80% of high-value real-world data (RWD) is unstructured, yet has typically been locked away in silos and inaccessible.

Dandelion’s Clinical AI Marketplace allows researchers to unlock the potential of RWD by transforming unstructured clinical notes, images, and waveforms into structured, research-ready data using a suite of rigorously vetted AI algorithms.

The value of AI + RWD

  • Insights

    Extract and interpret novel insights trapped in unstructured data types

  • Efficiency

    Interpret petabytes of data at a speed and cost impossible for human reviewers

  • Completeness

    Fill in blanks in clinical data for a more comprehensive picture of patient health

Dandelion’s Platform makes AI + RWD possible

Rapidly growing ecosystem of clinical AI developers

Algorithms are sourced from leading academic and commercial AI developers across therapeutic areas

Validated and fit-for-purpose AI

Algorithms are validated for performance and bias across demographics, social determinants of health, technologies, and sites. Validation is done for general, representative populations and for custom patient cohorts

Multimodal, representative data and provenance

Dandelion’s consortium of leading non-academic medical center hospital systems reflect the diversity of the U.S. population, with all clinical data available for millions of patients as far back as 2016

How it works

AI algorithms are run on unstructured data modalities like raw imaging and waveforms to extract new data elements. We append the newly-derived insights from algorithm outputs onto all other patient-level data to generate structured multimodal datasets that any researcher can work with – regardless of AI expertise.

For Life Sciences

Dandelion’s Clinical AI Marketplace enables Life Sciences companies to accelerate and optimize drug development and commercialization lifecycles.

  • Use AI-derived insights to develop a more comprehensive view of disease progression at an anatomical level and to identify critical milestones

  • Determine optimal clinical trial design by using quantifiable AI outputs to measure the impacts of adjusting trial protocol

  • Assess the unique effectiveness  of treatments shown on changes visible in raw radiology images to demonstrate value to key decision-makers

For AI Developers

Dandelion’s Clinical AI Marketplace hosts academic and commercial AI developers with tools relevant for Life Sciences companies at all stages of algorithm development, from cutting edge technologies to FDA approved software as a medical device (SaMD) AI tools.

Joining Dandelion’s Clinical AI Marketplace enables AI developers to expand distribution channels and gain valuable proof points to demonstrate your tool’s performance beyond clinical settings.

If you are interested in exploring whether your AI tool is a good fit for Dandelion’s Clinical AI Marketplace, please tell us more about your technology.

Next Steps

Download our white paper created using the Clinical AI Marketplace