Dandelion Data

The most complete picture of patient outcomes over time.

The Richest Source of Multimodal Healthcare Data

Dandelion’s multimodal Real World Data Platform brings together disparate data from across all care settings to build the most complete picture of patient outcomes over time.

Go beyond traditional real world data, such as claims and ICD codes, and access the full range of data modalities, including structured EHR data and unstructured data types.

Curated for Diversity

Exceed regulatory standards with equitable, portable discoveries.

Dandelion’s consortium of leading hospital systems from across the US have been hand-picked to ensure representative, diverse patient populations.

Enriched with AI-powered Clinical Labels

80% of real world data is unstructured - locked away in clinical notes, images and waveforms.

Dandelion’s Clinical AI Marketplace extracts and structures unstructured data at scale to get the full picture of drug efficacy and patient outcomes over time.

Unlock powerful insights from clinical notes

Dandelion abstracts and extracts key provider-reported comments from all types of unstructured notes.

Power novel clinical research

Dandelion enables clinical research with structured labels abstracted from raw, unstructured modalities.

Regulatory-grade & Research-ready 

Expedite studies with curated, harmonized, and clean research-ready data sets.

Dandelion’s regulatory-grade data enables researchers to delve into analyses immediately and with confidence. Our close relationship with our consortium members allows researchers to trace data back to its original source, ensuring clear data provenance and enabling rapid iterations whenever needed.

Accelerate clinical development and commercialization with Dandelion’s RWD & Clinical AI platform.