Life Sciences Solutions

Deeper, Regulatory-grade insights from Real World Patient Data

Harness the power of RWD & AI to accelerate the entire drug development and commercialization lifecycle

Early Clinical Solutions

Assess the effectiveness of existing treatments, identify gaps in care, and inform the development of new therapeutic strategies.

  • Unlock Insights into Disease Progression and Patient Journeys

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Leverage multimodal data sources -  including clinical notes, imaging, and waveforms - within a single view to capture a complete picture of disease progression.

    • Apply a suite of validated AI algorithms to identify patterns and novel biomarkers, uncovering critical insights into disease progression.

    • Track the patient experience from diagnosis through treatment, and across primary, secondary, and tertiary care, revealing key stages and treatment responses.

    • Generate novel insights to inform and optimize the development of targeted therapies, enhancing treatment effectiveness and patient outcomes.

  • Benchmark Current Treatments to Inform Clinical Development

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Access comprehensive, representative data on current treatment practices, patient demographics, and outcomes.

    • Leverage clinical notes, imaging, and other multimodal data sources to gain a deeper understanding of treatment effects  beyond traditional claims data and ICD-10 codes.

    • Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of existing treatments in real-world settings.

    • Identify gaps in care and unmet needs within patient populations.

Clinical Development Solutions

Optimize the pool of eligible patients with precision targeting. Reduce the need for costly protocol revisions, and accelerate the time to clinical trial initiation.

  • Maximize trial success, reduce costs, and accelerate development timelines

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Utilize comprehensive real-world data to inform and optimize trial protocols, ensuring relevance and feasibility. 

    • Leverage de-risked AI algorithms to design optimal trials and predict potential challenges. 

    • Ensure protocols meet regulatory standards and are designed to support smooth approval processes. 

    • Design efficient protocols that reduce trial costs and development timelines, enhancing overall productivity.

  • Accelerate Patient Recruitment with Precision Targeting

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Use real-world data to identify patient populations that match trial criteria accurately. 

    • Accelerate recruitment timelines by quickly finding and engaging eligible patients. 

    • Access and analyze diverse data sources, including EHRs, abstracted clinical notes, and extracted data from imaging to identify a wider set of potential participants. 

    • Identify patients most likely to adhere to the trial protocol and not drop out, improving overall trial retention rates and streamlining recruitment.

    • Expedite patient recruitment by tracing data back to the originating healthcare systems, ensuring quick verification and reliable engagement of eligible patients.

Post-Approval Solutions

Demonstrate superior product differentiation, and generate evidence of economic and clinical outcomes to support regulatory, commercial and payer strategies.

  • Understand Your Competitive Edge with Comparative Effectiveness Research

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Go beyond clinical trial data and leverage real-world evidence to assess the effectiveness of treatments in real-world settings.

    • Gain a complete understanding of your drug’s performance across various conditions and populations with rich, multimodal data from millions of patient records.

    • Uncover novel insights from unstructured data to demonstrate identify the unique benefits of your drugs compared to others in the market.

    • Analyze prescribing behavior and raw clinical notes to see how and when your product and comparative solutions are incorporated into the patient journey.

    • Identify patient subgroups that benefit most from your treatments, enabling targeted positioning, market access and commercialization strategies.

  • Maximize Reimbursement Opportunities with Comprehensive Real-World Evidence

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Go beyond ICD-10 codes and claims data to understand the full impact of assets on patient outcomes using longitudinal, multimodal data. 

    • Demonstrate the economic value of a therapeutic alongside clinical efficacy, supporting reimbursement decisions.

    • Highlight the relative effectiveness of treatments across any therapeutic area to support the overall value proposition.

    • Establish transparency and trust with regulatory and industry decision makers with the ability to trace the data back to Dandelion’s partner health systems.

  • Ensure Ongoing Drug Safety and Compliance with Comprehensive Post-Marketing Surveillance

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Utilize real-world data to meet regulatory evidence standards without the lag of long-term registries, providing comprehensive and timely insights.

    • Leverage de-risked AI to uncover unexpected side effects and symptoms from clinical notes and multimodal data that might surface from  ICD-10 codes alone.

    • Identify rare, unexpected, or long-term adverse effects and toxicities that may not have been assessed in clinical trials or prospective research.

    • Implement regular data refreshes to quickly identify and mitigate potential safety risks.

Label Expansion

Identify new therapeutic use cases for existing assets using Dandelion’s unique combination of rich, multimodal data and validated AI algorithms.

  • Realize New Market Opportunities with Indication Expansion

    Dandelion enables life sciences companies to:

    • Access rich, multimodal data across EHR, clinician notes, diagnostic study reports, and imaging to gain a complete view of drug performance across various populations and conditions.

    • Leverage a suite of validated AI algorithms to unlock new insights and assess promising new therapeutic use cases.

    • Utilize regulatory-grade real-world data to validate the clinical relevance of new indications, enhancing credibility and success rates.

    • Develop targeted market segmentation strategies to ensure successful market entry and maximize commercial potential.

Therapeutic Areas

  • Cardiology

  • Metabolic

  • Liver

  • Neurology

  • Oncology

Why Dandelion?

The Richest Source of Multimodal Healthcare Data

Access the full range of data modalities - including clinical notes, images and waveforms - for the most complete picture of patient outcomes over time.

Curated for Diversity

Dandelion’s consortium of leading hospital systems from across the US have been hand-picked to ensure representative, diverse patient populations. 

Enriched with AI-powered Clinical Labels

Unlock the Potential of Unstructured Data with Dandelion’s suite of rigorously vetted AI algorithms.

Regulatory-grade & Research-ready

Expedite studies with curated, harmonized, research-ready data sets.

Accelerate clinical development and commercialization with Dandelion’s RWD & Clinical AI platform.